Bonanza!! Bonanza!! Bonanza!! We Global Communications Limited is offering bonanza for all our selling products including i phone 4g,Sony Erickson xperia 10,Nokia,Nikon and others.
For our bonanza prices see below,get iphone 4g as low as 280€,Nokia N900 220€ and more.
We The Global Communications Limited gives you the full confidence and courageous for further transactions after a good and successful deal.With its company located in London,united kingdom.GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LTD is one of the successful trading company in the united kingdom and have a good reputation,we deal in any brands of mobile phones unlock,PDA,XDA,IPAD,Ipod,digital cameras,LCD,Plasma tv,video games,Laptops of various kinds and other electronic products.
We supply to companies and whole sellers on fast delivery depending on your request.
Contact us for any product you are interested for price and shipping procedure.
Understand that this is our bonanza price and can end any time.
Delivery time is 3days to European/American/Asia/Africa and others
Shipment are made through DHL/Fedex or Ups.
Shipping Prices depends on the country but we give countries in Europe free shipping for clients buying from 3 units of any product.
We give return policy of 60days to our customers and 1 year international warranty.
Business hour:
Monday - Friday = 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday = 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
If you are buying in bulk orders,prices are quite negotiable,do feel free to contact through our after checking our company website for any product you are interested in.
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